Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Discounted price - Hermes Garden Party 30 血橙色 Sanguine 9M

我必須跟大家誠實的報告一下,今天把這咖Garden Party 30翻出來看看,發現盒子有一點被壓壞了耶!不想到時假裝郵寄過程被砸壞,所以決定誠實告訴大家,並且來個大特價,希望喜歡這咖包包和可以接受盒子有點破掉的姐妹們把它帶回家。Bambam 把壓破的地方詳細地拍下來了,讓大家參考(當然包包本人還是好好的啦)!


9折再9折後: 港幣 22,518, TWD 86,670

原價: 港幣 27800,TWD 107,000
9折後:港幣 25020,TWD 96,300
9折再9折後: 港幣 22,518, TWD 86,670

Hermes Garden Party 30 血橙色 Sanguine 9M
Veau negonda 皮



The above garden party will be on discounted price since the gift box is a bit squeezed ( i have shown the damaged areas on the pics).

The special price will be HKD 22,518, with all shipping fees.

This bag is now on a good price where it does cheaper than Hermes shop already. I do encourage those who like this bag and are ok to accept the imperfection of the gift box, taking this bag home, because it's on nice color and nice price.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Hermes Cashmere 140 x 140 世界之船的帆船圖案 scarf 大圍巾 65% cashmere 35% silk 橘紅加銀灰色

Hermes Cashmere 140 x 140 scarf 大圍巾 65% cashmere 35% silk , 最新的世界之船的帆船圖案,很漂亮的capucine色加銀色邊,是我最近最愛的!


HKD 8720
TWD 34,000


New print
Color: capucine with some silver grey boundary

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Hermes Ostrich 灰色鴕鳥皮 Bearn Wallet 長錢夾

Hermes Ostrich 灰色鴕鳥皮 Bearn Wallet 長錢夾 


HKD 38,800
TWD 148,000


Gorgeous grey Ostrich Bearn wallet

Color: 81 Gris Tourterelle
Year: P
Limited stock every year. Ostrich is rare to see.

母親節特惠價 Mother's Day Promotion - Hermes Garden Party 30 血橙色 Sanguine 9M


謝謝大家的投票!結果是Garden Party耶!好吧,就拿這咖來打折。好了,好玩的母親節特惠是.....這咖包不打95折,而是打9折,折後台幣十萬都不到,快來搶吧!

原價: 港幣 27800,TWD 107,000
折後:港幣 25020,台幣 96,300

Hermes Garden Party 30 血橙色 Sanguine 9M
Veau negonda 皮


Mother's day special discount:


Before: HKD 27,800
After: HKD 25,020